
1. newsprint

2. color paper pieces; glue, glue saucer; cotton bud; zipper bag, basket.



1. Spread newsprint on the table.

2. Carry tray of the paper piece with two hands to on the table.

3. Squeeze a tube of glue into the glue saucer on the self and then bring on the table.

4. Pick up cotton bud with right hand and then put the cotton bud on the glue.

5. Pick up a piece of paper with left hand and then put glue on the paper.

6. glue a piece of paper on the newsprint at random.

Variations: Writing feeling diary, drawing feeling diary.

Age of Introduction: 2.5~3years.

Purpose: Record the weather.

Control of Error: Date in the class diary.

Point of lnterest: Express the weather condition.

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